Business Valuation

Valuation is fundamental to many important management decisions. Our registered valuers create detailed month on month projections, identify the valuation drivers in your model and then arrive at valuation of your organization. Our team dissects every assumption that was made when creating your projections as well as the valuation parameters, so that you are comfortable defending them. We endeavor to deliver flexible solutions to respond to your valuation needs.

Our approach towards Valuation shall be as follows:

Identification of transaction details and business/assets to be valued: All details about the business including services/products, markets, ownership structure, management, various financial data, various valuation details, nature of assets – tangible/intangible, purpose of valuation, valuation premise, etc. shall be understood and analyzed.

Conduct market research and analysis: Our team shall perform landscaping of Industry structure, competitive environment, business strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities, regulatory issues, and market and environmental trends shall also be studied.

Determine appropriate valuation methodologies: Collating information, analyzing various approaches such as Income, Market or Asset approaches and conclusion of method adopted - assets, earnings, DCF, and comparable transactions. Review comparable transactions and/or market multiples: Transaction analysis of comparable businesses, comparable public companies, analysis of deals under negotiation, open contracts, etc.

Modeling and valuation:The final step of application of appropriate methodology, integration of financial, market and asset valuation data, sensitivity analysis, and other conclusive steps including

Reporting:All necessary certifications under Income Tax, FEMA, Companies Act, IBC, SEBI, etc. as required and defined by various statues.

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