Today’s enterprises recognize the significant role F&A plays in powering the growth
of their businesses. Our team re-imagines the finance processes that support
enterprise goals. We streamline operations, infuse agility through technology, and
use analytics to provide intelligence for informed decision making. Proper and
up-to-date book-keeping and financial accounting is necessary for the smooth
functioning of any organization. By outsourcing such activities, organizations can
easily concentrate on core business activities.
In this regard, we provide the following services:
Strategic Services:Finance planning, digital transformation and migration services,
budgeting, and providing sector and function specific insights that have an impact on
the organization.
Transaction Accounting:These services encompass virtual accounting services,
covering accounts receivable and payable, payroll accounting, fixed assets
accounting, cost accounting, revenue accounting, month end closures and
Analytics and MIS:MIS reporting, preparation of cash budgets, Cash Flow
Statements, profitability statements, Statement of sources and application of funds,
working capital management including inventory management, and Consolidation.